

It’s Supplementary

You will actually never guess what's in that glass. 

Before having children, poop (and situations related to poop) was not a topic I was particularly fond of discussing in public. And then I had children, and now I talk about it (and deal with it) multiple times each and every day of my life. My kids’ poop. My dogs’ poop. My cats’ poop. My poop!



October In The Redwoods: A MTHR Collective Retreat

Happy Thursday! I wanted to tell you guys about something I'm doing this October, on the off chance that some of you might be interested in attending a weekend of yoga, meditation, essential oil workshops, vintage Airstreams and such in California's Wine Country (I know; it sounds terrible). MTHR Collective's 4-day, 3-night retreat in Russian River - at which I'll be one of the speakers - is specifically for mothers who are interested in exploring their creativity in an intimate, informal environment...that just so happens to also be one of the coolest campgrounds (if you can even call it that) I've ever seen.

What the long weekend - October 11-14, 2018 - includes*:

  • 3 nights in a luxury tent or vintage Airstream
  • All food and drinks
  • Guided meditation and morning yoga
  • Oils workshop
  • Maker's Pop-Up (where you can bring your own work to showcase or simply browse others')
  • Campfire chats (!)
  • A portrait session for those in need of new marketing imagery (or just because getting your photo professionally taken is fun sometimes)
  • An actual, written-down-so-it's-official 10PM "Lights Out." And you better believe this is my favorite part.

*Aside from speaking at the retreat, I'm not affiliated with or sponsored by MTHR Collective, just FYI.


All The Springy Things

April showers, et cetera et cetera

The school I attended up through the sixth grade was technically Protestant - the hint being its name, Trinity - and students were required to attend Chapel each week, but, oddly enough, the student body was predominantly Jewish. So was the student body at Dalton, where I spent the remainder of my grade school years. And so was I, sort of - my dad is Jewish. Except my mom is a lapsed Protestant. And both of them are atheists. So I guess you could say that when it came to holidays, religion didn't exactly play a big role - we essentially cherrypicked the ones that seemed to make sense to us to celebrate, and celebrated those in a way that made sense to us, too.

Easter was never really a big deal in our house; it always came upon me out of nowhere, like an afterthought to Valentine's Day (the Easter Bunny usually delivered my basket of creme eggs in the morning, shortly after my parents had ushered me back into bed; it appears that I wasn't the only one who Easter took by surprise). Once, when I was in fifth grade, a friend of mine took me to an Easter service with her family. I remember being excited to dress up in my favorite plaid skirt, and I remember the kids got to go up on stage to pet a rabbit, but that's about it.


Links & Love & Stuff

me + sea + my mama tee

Hatch created this MAMA tee to support Every Mom Counts' efforts to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every woman, everywhere (100% of net proceeds goes to the cause). If you need another excuse to pick one up, it also happens to fit like a dream. And has POCKETS. (It's their signature bateau top, and so it also comes without the lettering if you don't want to advertise your maternal status - and FYI, even though Hatch is technically a maternity company, this top one thousand percent works for the non-pregnant.)

Sooooo it turns out Dapper + Crown makes what might be the cutest little girl's dress I've ever seen (please get the yellow).

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