

Links & Love & Stuff

eBay bathroom selfie featuring the outfit I never want to take off lately (pants - part of a two-piece set - here, shirt here, shoes here). P.S. That tampon dispenser is definitely looking at me.

I just added this (super cute and way affordable) round rug to our living room, layered on top of another rug, and I'm obsessed. (Especially obsessed with the fact that it's technically an outdoor rug, and thus extremely durable and resistant to disasters of the child-and-pet sort.)

The fact that I saw the title of this article and said "Ooh!" and immediately clicked over confirms my suspicion that advanced age is making me boring. I'm ok with that. (7 Surprising Things You Can Do With Cream of Tartar, via The Kitchn.)


Mother’s Day Giveaway: The Big Fat Activity Book For Pregnant People (And More, Of Course)

In celebration of THE BEST HOLIDAY OF THE YEAR (which, in case anyone named Kendrick has forgotten, is on SUNDAY, MAY 13)...a giveaway for you! What you can win (and there are lots and lots of ways to enter, so make sure to check them all out below):

Yay Mother's Day! Yay giveaways! Yay spring! Yay.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


A Mother’s Day Gift Guide That Has Nothing To Do With Being A Mother

This Mother's Day, you know what I want? Something that has absolutely nothing to do with my children or my status as a parent. In other words: if there is an item that explicitly expresses the belief that I am the best mother in the world, I do not need to own it. What I need is confirmation of this fact via jewelry and/or the elimination of muscle tension.

In case you're looking for some inspiration, or just need a handy link to forward to the person in your own life who definitely should be reminded that Mother's Day is SUNDAY, MAY 13, and that you are perfect and spectacular and eminently deserving of presents and mimosas in bed (write it down, set an alarm, make it happen)...

Here you go.


It’s Supplementary

You will actually never guess what's in that glass. 

Before having children, poop (and situations related to poop) was not a topic I was particularly fond of discussing in public. And then I had children, and now I talk about it (and deal with it) multiple times each and every day of my life. My kids’ poop. My dogs’ poop. My cats’ poop. My poop!



October In The Redwoods: A MTHR Collective Retreat

Happy Thursday! I wanted to tell you guys about something I'm doing this October, on the off chance that some of you might be interested in attending a weekend of yoga, meditation, essential oil workshops, vintage Airstreams and such in California's Wine Country (I know; it sounds terrible). MTHR Collective's 4-day, 3-night retreat in Russian River - at which I'll be one of the speakers - is specifically for mothers who are interested in exploring their creativity in an intimate, informal environment...that just so happens to also be one of the coolest campgrounds (if you can even call it that) I've ever seen.

What the long weekend - October 11-14, 2018 - includes*:

  • 3 nights in a luxury tent or vintage Airstream
  • All food and drinks
  • Guided meditation and morning yoga
  • Oils workshop
  • Maker's Pop-Up (where you can bring your own work to showcase or simply browse others')
  • Campfire chats (!)
  • A portrait session for those in need of new marketing imagery (or just because getting your photo professionally taken is fun sometimes)
  • An actual, written-down-so-it's-official 10PM "Lights Out." And you better believe this is my favorite part.

*Aside from speaking at the retreat, I'm not affiliated with or sponsored by MTHR Collective, just FYI.

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