

Just A Little Career Evolution

As a wise woman once said: Let's do the damn thing.

...Because why change just one part of your life, when you can change them all? Simultaneously!

So here's my news for today: I'm starting (technically *have* started) a new business strategizing and developing content for consumer brands. I've been circling the idea of pulling the trigger on this for a long time - a couple of years, at least - and finally decided to go ahead and do it. And I have to say: I'm PSYCHED. Because RG has been my focus for nearly a decade now, and I love it so, but I also feel like I've learned a whole lot from running this site, and it's time to expand and learn something new.


Come Glamp With Me

For those of you who've thought about coming to the MTHR Collective retreat this October, excellent news: they're having a flash sale through Friday night offering Bunkmate Passes (basically: bring a friend to bunk with in a luxury Airstream settled in the Northern California redwood forest, and save money).

As a recap: MTHR Collective’s 4-day, 3-night retreat in Russian River – at which I’ll be one of the speakers – is specifically for mothers who are interested in exploring their creativity in an intimate, informal environment…that just so happens to also be one of the coolest campgrounds (if you can even call it that) I’ve ever seen.

What the long weekend – October 11-14, 2018 – includes:


Required (Beach) Reading: Summer 2018

My children go back to school in less than a month. (Much less.) I am confused by this, because I distinctly remember school starting in September when I was a wee one, but apparently either the days are shorter or the vacations are more abundant, or we're just sending kids to school for (much) more of the year, because August 15th it is.

Which means we have just a little over two weeks left of for-real summer. And since this summer has been less-than-restful so far, I've decided to do my best to make these last few weeks as fun and peaceful (and SIMPLE, please) as possible. My mom is coming out, which is nice, and means that a pedicure is probably in my future. And my daughter's birthday is soon, so a rainbow cake will be made (or at least attempted).

But mostly, what I want to do with these last few summer days is read books. By the pool, in the sand, while hiding in my car during gymnastics classes (who was the genius who decided that nowadays parents must physically watch all of their children's after school activities?? Didn't parents used to...drop kids off for these things? And then go do their things - such as read books while hiding in their cars - while their children were safe and otherwise occupied? Just wondering).

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