

Links & Love & Stuff

I've been doing some shooting with French beauty brand La Chatelaine these past few weeks, and this (massive) tin of hand creams is sort of the most luxe (but well-priced) gift ever.

I'm sure this woman is very nice. I really do not want to be friends with her. (A Day in the Life of an HSBC Exec Who Wakes Up At 5:30AM to Work Out, Always Eats Green, and Studies at Stanford in Her Free Time, via Business Insider.)

Here is another woman whose life choices I can genuinely appreciate, and with whom I also do not want to be friends. (How an American in Paris Dresses from 9 to 5, via Vogue.)



A love of all things sparkly appears to have been coded into my daughter’s genetic material, because I own nary a sequin, and yet she must own allllll the glittery things. Would she like to be a sparkle unicorn? Yes. A sparkle mermaid? Yes. A rainbow unicorn butterfly mermaid princess superhero sparkleperson? With sparkles?! 


So. As you might be able to imagine, having her decide which of iSparkle’s Little Princess Dreambox collections she’d like to try out was quite the ordeal. How the Dreamboxes work: your child gets to choose her favorite dress style and color, and it’ll arrive in a keepsake glitter box along with a matching heart tiara and glitter locket, as well as a book featuring her favorite of the six characters - Sparkle, Rainbow, Butterfly, Unicorn, Mermaid, and Superhero. And the Dreamboxes themselves are sturdy and adorable, so they can be used to store little treasures and such.  


Links & Love & Stuff

Me and my hair and that dress I said you should buy the other day.

You know how I've been collaborating with Rogaine for awhile now? A big part of the reason I partnered with them was because the stigma surrounding women and hair loss is, like most stigmas, unnecessary and damaging. Thinning hair can be embarrassing, sure (speaking from experience)...but it’s also Completely. Normal. Click here for a link to a special offer from Rite Aid if you'd like to try Rogaine for yourself.

Ugh, now I want new pajamas. (The rainbow stripe ones, obvi.)


The Next Book! (And A Question For You About The NEXT One)

Presenting: the cover of The Big Activity Book for Anxious People, coming from Tarcher Perigee in May. I literally could not be more excited for this one to come out, and am already thinking ahead, because it takes six thousand years for books to go to print, so I might as well start percolating on the next one now.

Which brings me to my question for you: What kind of activity book would you like to see next? One for Awesome Women? One for those in need of a Digital Detox? One for The Newly Separated (ahem)? ...One I haven't even thought of, but is completely genius and snags you a big old thank you in the book acknowledgements, and also my eternal gratitude?

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