

Family Vacations In Divorceland

Kind of insane just-us-three camping trip, Summer 2018

So here's an odd little post-divorce conundrum that hadn't occurred to me until just recently: How does one best go about having a "family vacation"? See, the kids have Spring Break coming up in April, and since they've gone on two trips with Kendrick recently I'd really like to take them somewhere special for the week (I know, that sounds competitive - and it is, a tiny bit, but also I'm finding myself craving that kind of magical time with them that seems to come with being out of your element).

But...what does one do, exactly? How do you vacation with kids when it's just you and them, without...I don't know...feeling like you're just spending the whole time herding cats? Or without feeling weird, being in a place that's very literally set up for the kind of family that you no longer technically are?


The Fancy Pregnant Person Gift Guide

What pregnant people need are wipes, and diapers. Oh, and this book. But if they don't have children yet, they don't understand that really all they need are wipes and diapers. And if they do have children already, they might want a moment in their life that doesn't involve wipes and diapers.

So. Maybe consider giving them one of these things.


Gift Ideas For Other People’s Kids (That You Can Be Reasonably Certain They Don’t Already Have)

I cannot tell you how many times I have triumphantly handed over a present to a friend's child, only to watch them open it and have the mom say "OH HOW GREAT IS THAT?!" which point the child informs me that um, he already has three of those.

This holiday season, when giving gifts to other people's children: Don't be me.

(These gifts also work for your own kids, obvi.)

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