

It’s Book Release Day! (So: GIVEAWAY!)

It's book release day! And I have been awake since 4:30AM doing radio interviews, so this is the most glamorous photograph I could manage. (It's fortunate that the  schedule is all radio interviews, because someone is looking ROUGH over here.)

I think it's safe to say the last stretch of my life has been a busy one, and I am capital-E Exhausted. But I'm also sitting here with my jaw firmly planted on the ground, because I literally cannot believe the outpouring of love happening for our little book. THANK YOU for all those posts, messages, DMs, and emails - they mean more to me than words can say, and I am a person who does not often find herself at a loss in that department.

In celebration of the launch, I'm doing a huge giveaway over on Instagram. Three winners will receive a signed copy of the book, plus:


A Very Malibu Mother’s Day

I wasn't going to do a Mother's Day gift guide this year. Because I forgot. And now it's almost Mother's Day. But while wandering around Malibu this weekend with Alisa and Erin (who are visiting from San Jose and bringing me alllll the wonderful feelings), I found so many cool things that I need to show you, so: here is your Very Malibu Mother's Day Gift Guide. (Just maybe choose expedited shipping at checkout, k?)

P.S. Obviously the very best Mother's Day you could possibly give to a person who is about to become a mother is this.

P.P.S. And obviously the very best Mother's Day gift you could possibly give to literally anyone, forever and always, is this.


Links & Love & Stuff

Camilla Confetti Frame Chain | The Drift Handmade Ring

You know how you're always either hanging your glasses off the front of your shirt (and then bending over and having them slide out and break, blech), or just putting them down somewhere and just losing them altogether? Me, too. You need to know about Rakas frame chains (which also happen to be unexpectedly adorable).

When I wrote about my rediscovered fascination with press-on nails, a reader recommended I check out Static Nails, and YES. I have these on my fingertips right now and could not be more obsessed.


I Think It’s Just What We Needed

Omni Hotel & Resort | Rancho Las Palmas

I chose the location for our mini Spring Break-within-a-Spring-Break more or less randomly: I googled "best hotels for families in Southern California," which led me to learn about what a Lazy River was, which led me to the website for the Omni Hotel in Rancho Las Palmas - right outside Palm Springs, and just a three-hour drive from our house.

So I booked two nights at the Omni, and now I am going to tell you all about this place, because it's glorious. I had such a good time, in fact, that I took only a handful of photos - hence the sadly sparse photo coverage below. But I think, on balance, that speaks (very) well for the place.


A Sign, If I Ever Saw One

I'm in Palm Springs for two days with my kids - the "vacation" part of our Spring Break. I woke up early to get a few emails out before they wake up, but just sat down at the desk to find a computer with 1% battery, and a phone with not much more.

Did I remember to bring chargers? Like, any of them?

I did not.

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