

Four Right-This-Moment Objects Of Obsession

Ear Cuffs

I love cartilage piercings. I love all types of ear piercings, in fact. Alas, my body does not love them, and lets me know this by summarily rejecting 80% of the pieces of metal that I attempt to insert in it. This obviously doesn't mean I'm giving up on the concept - I plan to go in for a couple of new piercing attempts in the fall - but I have recently discovered the beauty of no-pierce ear cuffs, and feel, for the time being, somewhat sated in the body-modification department.


QOTD: Whatever Happened To glam | camp?

Ah, glam| camp. Our erstwhile little online shop specializing in spunky embroideries and postpartum sweatshirts. It occurred to me - only after a reader pointed this out in a comment yesterday - that I never actually addressed what happened to glam | camp, and since I know that so many of you are involved in your own e-commerce efforts, I figured it might be helpful to break down what went right, what went wrong, and what I learned from my own foray into Selling Stuff On The Internet.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about: In 2014, shortly after I moved to San Jose, my friend Erin (now the coauthor of our Big Activity Book series) came out to visit me, and we decided to pool our resources - basically, her artistic abilities and my web platform - to open an online shop stocked with items both crafted in-house and created by a handful of other independent female artisans.


Cracking Up: A No-Longer-Anonymous Story Of Divorce

I've been writing Ramshackle Glam for nearly ten whole years - which means that there is a LOT of good stuff hanging out in my archives. So each Friday, we'll be doing a little throwback to one of my personal favorites. This week's is a searing three-part post on a marriage torn apart by faith and politics - you may recall that it was originally written anonymously by a woman named "EB." In the years since she wrote these words, EB has published a memoir on the topic, and has given me permission to post her story here. 

Lyz Lenz is the author of God Land: A Story of Faith, Loss, and Renewal in Middle America. She is also one of my personal heroes.



Haters Gonna Hate, But The Rest Is Up To You

(Not actually Plato, but no matter; this is a good thing to remember.)

I've been writing Ramshackle Glam for nearly ten whole years - which means that there is a LOT of good stuff hanging out in my archives. So each Friday, we'll be doing a little throwback to one of my personal favorites. This week's is a post is one I wrote in 2015, about the challenges of handling Internet commenters with less-than-pleasant things to say...and contains a few little bits of wisdom that - nearly five years later - I could use a refresher on myself. 

Q. What advice would you give someone on how to handle the mean-spirited comments people feel free to fling around [on the Internet]?

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