Planet Flops Giveaway!
Planet Flops flip-flops, which I'm wearing in the above photo (oy, do I ever need a tan) and which are just about the most comfortable things ever (even more comfortable than my much-adored Havianas, if you can believe it), would like to give one RamshackleGlam reader the opportunity to take a pair for a test run this summer!
Unhealthiest Seafood Dishes In America
Dave Zinczenko on the Unhealthiest Seafood Dishes in America, including CPK's Field Greens Salad with Salmon and (unsurprisingly) Applebee's Grilled Shrimp Pesto Alfredo Fettucino.
Treacherous Dinner
Last night Kim came over for dinner, and since I didn't have a whole lot of time yesterday to plan a meal and shop for food, I ended up whipping up one of my favorite standbys, Linguine Carbonara.
Eliminating Cooking Odors
To me, one of the most irritating things about cooking isn't the clean-up (I have my wonderful husband to help with that)'s the fact that the apartment smells like whatever you made for hours afterwards.