Via British Magazine Photoshops Weight Onto Skinny Model.
"Tons of magazines have come under fire for photoshopping women featured in their pages in order to make them appear skinnier. (Kelly Clarkson on the cover of Self, anyone?) So, what should they do in response to the outcry? Plenty of publications have started using au naturel photos, whether that means simply eschewing Photoshop or featuring models and celebrities not wearing any makeup. However, the British women’s magazine Healthyactually added extra weight to a model they deemed too thin..."
Also via TheGloss, unrelated but equally fascinating: I Actually Like My Pubic Hair.
"As a twenty five year old American female, I am acutely aware of the hullabaloo surrounding hoo-has. With summer upon us, and many talking of bald, even decorated, vaginas, it's easy to forget that some people don't go in for any of it. And, as it so happens, "some people" is a group that includes yours truly. I'm not a smelly hippie, or a raver, or, God forbid, one of those burning man people. But I've never removed my pubic hair since it first sprouted, and, despite what the media would have you believe, you don't have to either, if you don't want..."