On Friday afternoon, Gabrielle of TheSaintEve.com stopped by to teach me all about absinthe (she makes her own, and no, it's not illegal...although it is disturbingly delicious). Video to come!
Rioja Restaurant Week
"From May 13-27, explore the wines of Rioja at 25 restaurants across New York..." Click HERE to learn more!
Thanks to reader Rain for the heads-up.
NARS Fall Preview
"...I can’t tell you about their fall line until it launches in mid-July (check back then!), but I can tell you that I had the opportunity to check out their new, limited-edition lip gloss collection…and it is perfection in a tube (well, five tubes). Each gloss is based on one of the line’s most popular blushes, and I just about levitated with joy when I saw that yes, my much-adored Angelika has been transformed into the perfect bright (but not too bright) pink lip gloss with just a hint of shimmer. I will be wearing this gloss all day, every day this season – mark my words..."
Check out the full article on NadineJolie.com by clicking HERE!
Australian Scent Giveaway!
Oh, I am all about the giveaways these days...but that's because spring is here, and there's nothing better than a few fun new products to help you feel gorgeous for the season.
Apartment Gardening
Via Yay! DIY: Apartment Gardening
"My kitchen window receives at least two hours of sunlight every day – so I put a small planter there with two basil plants, an oregano plant and a Venus fly trap (for fun) to see if they could survive. I’m forever buying bushels of herbs at the grocery store, using them for one meal and then watching as they go bad in the fridge. I wanted to stop being so wasteful, and also have herbs on demand. So far, so good!..."
One of the many things that I excel at is killing plants, so I'm looking forward to using some of Yay! DIY's gardening tips to keep my new buddy Tompkins Thyme alive and well. I'd love a windowsill herb garden, but I'll see if T.T. makes it an entire month before investing in some basil, oregano, and rosemary friends for the little guy.