

Question For You / Undereye Concealer

You know how in my makeup video I say that I don't really use undereye concealer unless it's one of those mornings?'s one of those mornings. You know, the kind that follows a not-so-fantastic night. And RTL is on their way to interview me and the luggage under my eyes at this very moment (topic: Vince Vaughn's baby announcement).

In the past, I've used YSL's Touche Eclat, which is pretty good...but I don't have extensive knowledge of what's out there in this department. So I'm wondering...what undereye concealer do you use?


Icy Eye Sticks and Mini Facials

Head over to the Community to read all about Francine's fabulous de-puffing rec (my mom has already bought three - one for herself, and one for each of her sisters) and Jenn's adventures in Facialworld.

If you'd like to contribute to the Community, just shoot me an email at! Please also send on reader questions and reader recipes at your 'em much.

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