

Apparently We Make Our Own Dog Food Now

These days, Lucy is simultaneously adorable and heartbreaking: She's slowed down a lot in the last few months, and sort of hops rather than walks. Plus she no longer tolerates grooming - I can give her baths and brush her a little, but that's about it - so her lifelong transformation into an actual muppet is nearing completion. (If you're worried about her being able to see past that aggressive bang situation she has going on, please recall that she is in possession of a grand total of one eye, and that said remaining eye is, alas, completely blind.)

Related Read: The Many Lives Of Lucy

She seems happy enough, though. She hops from napping spot to sleeping spot to napping spot, and spends most days snuggled up against my left thigh, basking in the warmth emanating from my laptop and snoring audibly. But I think it's safe to say she's officially an old lady now. Which...I mean...I'm okay, I get it, but still. I want so badly for this stage of her life to be one where she gets to relax in her rocker with a nice warm blanket over her legs and watch the seagulls.


Holiday Gift Guide: For Your Witches

Tarot contributor Jessica offers up some gift ideas for the witchy ones.

There has never been a better time to be a devotee of the esoteric arts...who also happens to have great taste. Here are a few impeccable suggestions for the stylish witch in your life. 


Links & Love & Stuff

Why HELLO THERE. #Dying (46 Things That Made Me Say, 'Why Don't I Own That Already?' via Buzzfeed.)

Mott & Bow's hi-rise stretch jeans are actually, literally perfect (lightweight, comfortable, amaaaazing cut), and actually, literally maybe the only thing you'll wear all autumn (and winter, and year) long. Could not recommend more highly. Go for the dark grey raw hem.

Currently test-running Mesolyft's microneedling pen, and I am into it. It doesn't hurt - promise; it's a little prickly but not painful - and I feel like my skin texture improved almost immediately.


Don’t Make Kids Feel Bad For Growing Up

Especially when helping them grow older is literally our job.

by Claire Zulkey

I saw a post in my Facebook feed not long ago featuring a mother asking for ideas as she put together a bakery-themed “Donut grow up” party for her daughter. It was the child’s first birthday. I thought—oh. Baby’s first guilt trip.

I personally can’t imagine wanting a child to remain 1. I think it’s the hardest age, combining physicality with lack of rationality. But aside from that, I don’t identify with the parental notion that children must be frozen in time, and anything less is a tragedy. Life has gotten easier as my boys get older. To shed the paraphernalia of babyhood, to gain back time and energy as my kids get old enough to pitch in, to lower my guard more in public places— it feels like an achievement.

Yet there are classic tales, new and old, wherein a child leaving the nursery is seen as a tragedy: Peter Pan, TheVelveteen Rabbit, Toy Story, Inside Out, The Polar Express. The moral of these stories, to quote The Breakfast Club, is that when you grow old, your heart dies.

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