Really, is there anything better than some delicious, fruity sangria on a summer weekend? Tonight I'm planning to whip up a batch for tomorrow's playdate with Morgan and all three of the kids (that would be Lucy, Virgil & Cooper), so I'm wondering: do any of you have a fantastic recipe you'd be willing to pass my way?
Paul Labrecque Giveaway / Let’s Get You Some Gorgeous Hair!
Yay! Paul Labrecque, maker of some seriously fabulous luxury haircare products, would like to give THREE Ramshackle Glam readers the opportunity to take their full product line for a test run.
Squiggle Straws? Always A Good Idea.
See what I mean? Insta-happy.
How Is Aldo Getting So Awesome?
I mean, I've always liked the store, but wow: they're really working it out as of late, especially in purse-land. Witness:
Theodore Makes My Mornings Happier
This is Theodore. He lives in my neighborhood, is about three years old, and weighs approximately four pounds. He was recently rescued from a puppy mill, and he carries a binky around in his mouth on walks because it makes him feel safer.