Just as an FYI, you can view Ramshackle Glam videos both on Vimeo and on YouTube.
Wonderful Things That I Found In My Inbox
First, reader Zara whipped up a gorgeous, gorgeous plate of Chicken Cacciatore under Milo's watchful eye.
Blog Love / Daily Baxter
Need a little shot of joy in your life? Then please head over to The Daily Baxter to read about all about the adventures of the titular Tibetan Terrier Puppy.
Love This Idea! / Heels with Socks
Last night I met up with Katy from Sugarlaws for cocktails at Cinema Brasserie, and I gushed a bit about the post that's up on her site right now, in which she's wearing the look at left.
Too Cute / “Homemade” Cookie Stamp
Head over to the Ramshackle Glam gift guide to check out an alternative way to decorate Nanny Ruth's peanut butter cookies.