

Olive Oil Is Good On Everything / Bottega Verde Giveaway!

Few things aren't improved by the addition of a little excellent-quality olive oil (hello, pretty much every recipe I've ever made), and your skin is another one: olive oil has extraordinary emollient properties, and the world's longest-living person, Jeanne Calment, apparently attributed her relatively youthful appearance to a daily application of the stuff.


Blog Love / Navigeaters

Meet Adam and Laura, two writers on a gastronomical journey to sample the cuisine of every nation on the planet...without ever leaving NYC. It's all chronicled on their blog, Navigeaters, and you have to check it out. Love this couple, and love their site.

Also, they've invited Kendrick and me along on one of their upcoming adventures! Raw chicken was mentioned. I don't think I can do that. But we'll see.

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