

Victoria’s Secret Pink

Guilty admission: one of my favorite places in the world to window-shop is in the Pink section at Victoria's Secret. I know, I's all very perky and lollipop-y and emblazoned with things like "CAN'T GET ENOUGH" and "BOYS BOYS BOYS"...but I can't help it; I love it (maybe not the "BOYS BOYS BOYS").

And I think I just found the perfect pair of underwear there, so I thought I'd mention:

The Ruched-Back Hipster (8.50; 5/$25) is universally flattering, and comes in lots of cute patterns (again, though, maybe skip "TAKE IT OFF" and "LET'S GET A ROOM"). I actually got mine for free, because I signed up for their Angels club (or whatever it's called) and they sent a coupon for a free pair in the mail. Yay!


There Can Never Be Too Many “Weird Foods” Compilations

Seriously, love them.

Presenting Breaded Bliss: 7 Crazy Sandwiches, featuring the Tastykake Slider (two brisket patties topped with sour-cherry Sriracha jam and American cheese, sandwiched between two Peanut Butter Kandy Kakes). It turns out that chef Matt Levin of Adsum (in Philly) put the sliders on the menu to raise awareness of Tastykake's financial woes...and now they sell 10-20 a night. I usually prefer my burgers and Tastykakes to be...well, separate - but now I sort of want to journey across state lines to try this odd thing.

Want to see a video about it? Sure you do! Here you go.


How-To: Reese’s Oscar Ponytail

Yesterday, if you recall, I went on about how much I adored Reese's Oscars hair and makeup...

...and today a PR blast from Fekkai (who styled her) about how to get the look landed in my inbox! Here you go:


1) Create the foundation for the style by applying Fekkai Coiff Bouffant Lifting & Texturizing Spray Gel and the Fekkai Silky Straight Ironless Smooth Finish Serum.


Little Sunday Finds

Did you know that Burlington Coat Factory is a virtual treasure chest of incredibly affordable (mostly under $10) baby clothing? Mom and I headed over there on Sunday to find a gift for my cousin Tina's 8-month-old and something for my Nanny Ruth (we're flying to Canada for her 91st birthday in a couple of weeks)...and I left with a bunch of stuff, including this:

How cute is that? (I don't think my cousin reads here, so no spoiler worries ;).)

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