

How-To: Reese’s Oscar Ponytail

Yesterday, if you recall, I went on about how much I adored Reese's Oscars hair and makeup...

...and today a PR blast from Fekkai (who styled her) about how to get the look landed in my inbox! Here you go:


1) Create the foundation for the style by applying Fekkai Coiff Bouffant Lifting & Texturizing Spray Gel and the Fekkai Silky Straight Ironless Smooth Finish Serum.


Little Sunday Finds

Did you know that Burlington Coat Factory is a virtual treasure chest of incredibly affordable (mostly under $10) baby clothing? Mom and I headed over there on Sunday to find a gift for my cousin Tina's 8-month-old and something for my Nanny Ruth (we're flying to Canada for her 91st birthday in a couple of weeks)...and I left with a bunch of stuff, including this:

How cute is that? (I don't think my cousin reads here, so no spoiler worries ;).)

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