

Personalize Your Rental Apartment / A Charmed Wife

Remember my friend Lily from the Rent The Runway post? Well, today the lovely lady behind A Charmed Wife is here with some rental apartment personalization tips (for a few of my own, click here). Thanks so much, Lily!

- Jordan

9 Ways to Personalize A Rental Apartment (Without Losing Your Security Deposit).

While Jordan is on vacay (drink a rum punch for me, J!) she asked if I’d pop over and supply a post about something “home” related. Given that I am the world’s biggest homebody (true story: I was born at home, home-schooled through eighth grade, and now I work from home), I jumped at the chance to talk about my favorite topic.


Philly Day Trip / Happy Life In NYC

I used to travel to Philly occasionally to watch Kendrick's band perform, and I always thought it was a really underrated day-trip-from-NYC spot. Thanks so much to Philly native (and new blogger) Lauren for offering to show us around!

- Jordan

I am so honored to be guest blogging for Jordan! I adore her blog and it’s part of the inspiration behind mine. I am a native Philadelphian turned New Yorker, so there is nothing I love more than going back to my second home in Philly.


Cupcake Vineyards Wine

Dad and I came across Cupcake Vineyards wine at the wine store a couple of weeks ago, while shopping for Mom's birthday dinner (click here to check out the Lemon-Chocolate Birthday Cake we made). We didn't buy it, because we were on the hunt for a white...but I think it just sounds spectacular.

Listen to the description of the 2009 Red Velvet (about $12/bottle): "It's reminiscent of a blackberry chocolate cupcake with a mocha coulis. Shows an incredible nose of chocolate, deep rich blackberries, red fruits and a creamy mocha finish that is unmistakable in its intensity and length."

In other words, I would like to fill a bathtub with the stuff and roll about in it for hours, please.

Has anyone tried Cupcake Vineyards? Is it as wonderful as it looks?


Side Table Rehab / Yay! DIY

Please give a warm welcome to the lovely Erin & Lia from YAY! DIY - check out their site for everything from lamp refurbishes (you know I love those) to Grown-Up Arts & Crafts and interviews with yours truly.

- Jordan

First of all, hello everyone! We're so excited to be guest posting for Jordan while she soaks up the sun this week!

Like Jordan, my co-blogger Erin and I are big fans of dragging in furniture off the street to fix up and make our own.  This little end table was no exception. Walking one night in my old neighborhood, I spied it next to pile of trash destined for the landfill and immediately knew I had to rescue it. (There were actually two, but I could only carry one at a time in the cold all the way home. Not going back for the second one is a decision I still regret!)

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