

Caribbean Style 2 / Like A Little Lobster

OK, we're going to have to agree to ignore two things in order to proceed here.

1. The photo quality. I am, as we know, quite klutzy, and fancy camera + restaurant surrounded by water on three sides seemed like a poor pairing. And for some reason my little point-and-shoot was having issues with both flash and focus.

2. My sunburn.


Paul Labrecque Salon / Sweet 16 Makeover…Plus Giveaway!


Morgan's cousin Molly recently celebrated her Sweet 16 with a first-time-ever trip to NYC, and when Morgan told me that her family wanted to send her somewhere awesome to get her hair done, I recommended the Paul Labrecque Salon.

And you know what the amazing people over at Paul Labrecque did? They gave her the best Sweet 16 present ever: a full-on pre-prom makeover.


Mel Boteri Custom Handbags

As time-sucks go, this is an especially neat one (as always, try to make sure your boss can't see your computer screen).

Over at Mel Boteri, you can custom-design a handbag, choosing everything from the style to the color to the hardware (my design is pictured at left). The bags are expensive, but the playing is free. And fun.

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