

Favorite New Wallpaper / Graham & Brown

OK, I am looooving this new Graham & Brown wallpaper created to commemorate the upcoming Royal Wedding. (Picture it on one wall of an office, or in a small space like a water closet.) I'm not really a royal-watcher (for some serious royals love, head over to my friend Nadine's site), but I can't help but get psyched for the Big Event. Mostly because of the dress. But I also love all of the hullabaloo around this thing...

I mean...

Royal wallpaper?

Whatever, it's so fun.


Chocolate Dessert Bowls

These are just too cute.

Basically all you do is blow up balloons and dip them in melted chocolate a few times (to get a thick coating), let them sit on wax paper until hardened, and then pop the balloons and use the chocolate shells to serve ice cream, candy...whatever.

Easy, right?

There's just one little problem: when it comes to balloon-blowing-up, I am about as competent as a can of tuna fish.

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