

Chocolate Dessert Bowls

These are just too cute.

Basically all you do is blow up balloons and dip them in melted chocolate a few times (to get a thick coating), let them sit on wax paper until hardened, and then pop the balloons and use the chocolate shells to serve ice cream, candy...whatever.

Easy, right?

There's just one little problem: when it comes to balloon-blowing-up, I am about as competent as a can of tuna fish.


Paul Labrecque Salon / Sweet 16 Makeover…Plus Giveaway!


Morgan's cousin Molly recently celebrated her Sweet 16 with a first-time-ever trip to NYC, and when Morgan told me that her family wanted to send her somewhere awesome to get her hair done, I recommended the Paul Labrecque Salon.

And you know what the amazing people over at Paul Labrecque did? They gave her the best Sweet 16 present ever: a full-on pre-prom makeover.

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