

My Chandelier Obsession Has Found A New Focal Point

Last weekend Mom and I stopped into Home Depot so I could pick up a shelf for the kitchen and scout paints (all part of the Baby-Is-Semi-Imminent Apartment Renovation Project)...and even though we're obviously trying to save these days, I pretty much had to hand my wallet over to Mom to stop myself from buying this:

Or this:


Giveaway: Conair Infiniti Pro Hairdryer & You Style 2-In-1 Brush

Who couldn't use a new hairdryer and round brush? I've had mine for...oh...I don't know, since college anyway (we won't talk about how long ago that was), and it was definitely time for an upgrade. Enter: these new products, both of which Conair would like to give away to one RG reader.

Infiniti Pro Model 270 (Retail value: $40): It's the first AC motor (in a nutshell: powerful and quiet) with a fold-away handle for easy storage. It also includes neutralizing ions to reduce frizz and enhance shine, 2/heat-2/speed switches, and a travel tote.

You Style 2-In-1 Brush (Retail value: $9.99, available in stores now): I used this like crazy on my Caymans vacation (it saved me from having to bring both a round brush and a flat brush, whee). It's now my go-to brush for everyday: it doesn't snarl up my hair like products of this type usually do, and the mechanism that turns it from flat brush into round brush is simple and painless.

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