

I Love You. Now Go the F*ck to Sleep.

Are you a parent? Congratulations, you are exhausted. Sleep consultant Mahaley Patel tells you how to get your lovely little bebes to GTFTS.

In honor of Baby Sleep Day, I wanted to provide some tips for those of you with newborns. Having a new baby is such a beautiful time on so many levels, but when my child was little there were days I was so sleep-deprived I didn't even feel that I could fully enjoy her. If you have a newborn at home and are struggling with sleep, please know that it will get better. They will soon be capable of longer stretches and self-soothing.

Read: Jordan's (very chilled-out) approach to sleep training.

Read: I Tried Baby-Led Weaning By Accident...And It Worked

Here are some of my tips for surviving newborn sleep.


Five Things You Can Do About Climate Change Right Now (Yes, Today)

I am as sensitive to hearing "you should really be living THIS way!" lectures as the next person. Perhaps more so, because I live in California, where I have daily (daily!) "conversations" (lectures) with an astonishing number of people who feel the need to tell me how I am eating/drinking/exercising/sleeping/parenting wrong. Which is why I'm loathe to toe that line on this site; I am not in the business of telling anyone else how to live their life.

But I'm going to make an exception today, because when it comes to the environment it's way past time to sound those alarm bells. The reason I feel comfortable making the below recommendations is that I am a creature of enormous habit, and have historically been in the "What difference can little old me make?" camp - but from where I stand now, that attitude isn't just lazy, it's unacceptable. I'm also not someone who's very good at overhauling decades-old habits, but what I've discovered is that you don't have to do everything right: What matters is that you start doing something. Little things. Anything.

That's the way to start.


All About New Orleans: An Itinerary For You

Three years ago, I worked with the New Orleans Tourism Board on one of my absolute favorite projects to date: It involved spending three days exploring the city with my family, and having various dreams come true (ZOMG SASSY THE PENGUIN).

So in celebration of Mardi Gras, here's a throwback to the trip - including plenty of recommendations should you decide to take a jaunt down to this very loveliest and warmest and most magical of cities.



Links & Love & Stuff

I finally read enough glowing reviews of The Amazon Coat (actually an Orolay coat that for various - and entirely legitimate - reasons is apparently one of most-sold-ever things on Amazon), and bought one to keep me moving on chilly Malibu mornings...and yes. It is 100% worth the hype. SUPER cozy, great-looking, well-made, and confusingly affordable. I like the yellow and red, but there are lots of far more normal colors, too.

"What we think we know about happiness is just plain wrong." Well I'm SO GLAD SOMEONE TOLD ME; I FEEL MUCH BETTER NOW. (Feel Happier With The Latest Advice, via Shape.)

Alice & Olivia is having an INSANE sale on their absolutely perfect hi-rise bellbottom jeans.


2020: The Year When I Become Accountable

Tarot contributor Jessica tells me what the cards hold in the year ahead - and gets it right.

Last month, I wrote about the universal card of the year for 2020, The Emperor. In that column I also described a couple of very simple processes for finding a personal card of the year. For February, I thought it would be cool to explore some other ways connect with the Major Arcana’s archetypes and see how the cards we choose—and the cards that choose us—interact at the micro and macro levels. And Jordan, my hostess and patron, has offered to be my subject for this process. 

Calculating Your Birth Card 

Your birth card is, not surprisingly, connected to your birth date. Jordan's birth date is May 26, 1981, so to calculate her birth card, we add 5 + 26 + 1981. This equals 2012, so we keep adding. 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 5. Jordan’s birth card is The Hierophant. Exploring how this card interacts with The Emperor will give Jordan some food for thought as she considers the year ahead. 

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