

Is It A Cold…Or Is It Allergies?

I have been sick three - THREE - times since February. I know, suppressed immune system (so that you don't reject the baby, which is, of course, half-comprised of someone else entirely), etc etc...but I am sick to death of being deathly sick.

When I woke up all sorts of miserable yesterday, though, I thought that maybe the intense heatwave had brought on heretofore unknown allergies (everyone else seems to be complaining about them). This would be an especially bad thing, because while the typical cold lasts just a few days, allergies can go on...and on...and on. Or so I hear. I don't think I've ever had them.

Or have I?

Very confused.


Himalayan Salt Plate


Kendrick came home from a weekend in Ohio with one a Himalayan Salt Plate - a gift for me from our friend Matt - and while I don't quite get how to use it yet, I am so excited to figure it out.

The little pamphlet that came with the salt plate says that you can use it to grill on to infuse whatever you're making with flavor, or chill it and use it as a serving platter for things like sushi and cheese. It's naturally anti-macrobial, so it's easy to clean, and it does change color/shape over time - the pamphlet even says that someday, when it gets too small for cooking or serving on, it "will be a perfect size to grate over your food, break up for making soup, or even throw in your tub for a detoxifying salt bath." SO COOL.

Now, the chilling and serving I get...but the grilling is confounding me a bit. Do you have to use oil if you don't want the meat (or whatever) to stick? What kinds of things taste best when grilled on it? Can you put it in the oven to bake things on, or is it for stovetop use only?

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