

Demarle NonStick Bakeware / RG Reader Discount

Reader Jessica, who works with a company called Demarle, recently saw my strawberry cake-related troubles and wrote in to tell me about Demarle's non-stick, non-toxic flexible bakeware (and to offer Ramshackle Glam readers a 15% discount off of the products).

Some of the top-sellers from the line:

Silpat: The #1 Must-Have; ideal for baking cookies or roasting veggies. Made with woven fiberglass throughout for even heating.


A Gift For The Bride-To-Be

One more thing, Elysse:

To celebrate your engagement, the master stylists at Paul Labrecque would like to offer you a complimentary haircut. They'll create a distinctive style just for you, and then show you how to recreate the look at home.

I've been to the salon a few times, and seen the wonders they work with their makeovers...and you'll love it. I'm so excited for you! (Shoot me an email at and we'll discuss details.)


Good Morning, Elysse!

Hi there, and Happy Saturday! Hope you slept well.

I just wanted to say good morning, and tell you that you and Joe make such a beautiful couple. It's been such a joy learning about your love story: he so clearly adores you and thinks the world of you.

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