

Stuck In The City, In Search Of Food

Sadly enough, I have no fabulous, exotic plans for this coming holiday weekend, and will be stuck in the city very glamorously babysitting my parents' cats. On Sunday, as it turns out, I'm shooting a small part in a movie, but other than that I'm wide open, and I anticipate being quite hungry at many points. So I asked my friend Andrea, founder of BrunchCritic, if she had any ideas for those of us who'll be wandering the empty streets this July 4th.

I know BrunchCritic also includes restaurants that have "lunchie" items. Are there any places that you love that have BBQ-type stuff, so I can pretend I'm at a cookout? Hamburgers, hotdogs, ribs, that kind of thing?

I'm a huge fan of Blue Smoke. It's nice to walk into a true BBQ establishment that has great food, but also an attractive interior. In Blue Smoke's case, the loft-like ceiling and exposed metal let you enjoy spicy BBQ wings in an airy, relaxing space.


Bright and Brighter

I loved my mom's outfit the other day so much I had to take a photo of it.

How great is that?! Bright yellow + cobalt + gold jewelry is so gorgeous for summer.

It's the pants, mostly: they're perfect for summer office-wear, and look spectacular paired with so many different colors. Yellow, dusty rose, orange, fuschia, white...even bright emerald green can work if you're feeling feisty (just pull the strong color combos together with your accessories, like Mom did with that scarf).


Feedback Time!

Those of you who have been reading RG from the beginning may have noticed that there have been lots of changes over the past few months - for example, I introduced Style and Baby tabs, cut down a little on the out-and-about stuff (save for Weekend Snapshots and event coverage), and tried to step it up with the photography.

Style-wise, posts have, in general, gotten a little longer-form, and there are fewer of them on each page (to help with page-load speed). I'm always trying to keep making things better around I have a question for you:

How can I give you more of what you like?

Specifically, I think my posts can be more or less divided into the following categories:

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