

If You Cast Your Gaze To The Right…

You'll see that I added "Top Posts" (the most-read/liked/discussed posts ever on RG) and a direct link to all Personal Style posts to the sidebar, just under "About Me". Just FYI, in case you missed any of them and are interested in things like dancing videos or my feelings on odd home decor choices and Checklist Guys.

(Also just FYI, if you're a longtime reader and left a comment on one of those earlier posts that's gone missing, that doesn't mean I got cranky and started deleting stuff - there were a couple of glitches during my Wordpress switchover that resulted in the loss of all existing notes/comments.)


A Little Morning Rage



HOW DID THIS MAKE IT PAST A FOCUS GROUP (or whatever "will people buy this, or will they be head-spinningly offended by it?" system I'm sure JC Penney has set up)?

"Who has time for homework when there's a new Justin Bieber album out?"

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