

BrunchCritic Fall Event – Tickets On Sale Now (Plus Giveaway)

On October 22nd, BrunchCritic is hosting Orange You Glad It's October, a brunch event at an absolutely spectacular loft space down on Hudson (I've seen it; it's gorgeous). Bottomless drinks, fabulous food by L'Artusi and ellabess, and fun surprises!

Tickets ($60) can be purchased via Eventbrite, and my friend Andrea (the founder of the site) has generously offered three pairs to RG readers, so if you're an NYC-er and would like to attend just comment below. Winners will be chosen randomly and contacted via email (so use your for-real email; it won't show up in the comment) within a week or so.

Remember: everyone must wear at least something orange. A dress, scarf, a tie, a thong...whatever. But something.

Hope to see some of you guys there!



My comments got all sorts of messed up yesterday, thanks to a switch-up in the commenting program I use and some resulting total confusion on my part.

And of course said messed-upedness coincided with a fabulous $100 TJ Maxx giftcard giveaway that I really want all of you to have the opportunity to win, because it's fall, and fall fashion is the best, and I want you to have the chance to get all dressed up in fabulous hats and scarves and beautiful things for free.

So if you wanted to (or tried to) enter but your comment didn't show up, please accept my sincerest apologies - go ahead and comment again under the Like A Rolling Stone post (you can also enter by voting for your favorite blogger's look here), and you'll be good to go. And FYI, you can comment once a day every day between now and October 12 for extra chances to win.

Again: so so sorry!

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