

Tip Of The Day: Grating Soft Cheese

This one is for those of you who don't own Kevlar gloves (I know, you're jealous). Before grating soft cheeses like mozzarella, cover them in plastic wrap and stick them in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes (or until firm).

On the menu tonight: Caprese Pasta (as an aside...whoa, check out what my food pictures used to look like! Eeek).


BrunchCritic Fall Event – Tickets On Sale Now (Plus Giveaway)

On October 22nd, BrunchCritic is hosting Orange You Glad It's October, a brunch event at an absolutely spectacular loft space down on Hudson (I've seen it; it's gorgeous). Bottomless drinks, fabulous food by L'Artusi and ellabess, and fun surprises!

Tickets ($60) can be purchased via Eventbrite, and my friend Andrea (the founder of the site) has generously offered three pairs to RG readers, so if you're an NYC-er and would like to attend just comment below. Winners will be chosen randomly and contacted via email (so use your for-real email; it won't show up in the comment) within a week or so.

Remember: everyone must wear at least something orange. A dress, scarf, a tie, a thong...whatever. But something.

Hope to see some of you guys there!

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