Buy for him; steal for you.
And another masculine-ish piece I love: the navy Westward Wanderlust Satchel from Current/Elliot's collaboration with Kate Spade.
Buy for him; steal for you.
And another masculine-ish piece I love: the navy Westward Wanderlust Satchel from Current/Elliot's collaboration with Kate Spade.
If you're going big with a holiday gift for a special lady in your life...I say jewelry and bags. There is no one who doesn't like jewelry and bags. (Fine, that KitchenAid stand mixer works well, too.)
Jewelry (clockwise from top left): Alexandra Moosally Yellow Gold and Pave Diamond Artichoke necklace (price upon request; click here for contact info and use code AMGLAM for 20% off of any order through December 10, 2011); Swati Jr* Selene's Dangles earrings ($108); Lanvin Gourmette Bracelet ($390).
Eff those giraffe hats...
that is an octopus.
Reader Emiri sells them in her Etsy shop, and custom-made that adorable thing up there for my very own little octopus. And she's offering RG readers 10% off when they enter code RSGFAN at checkout.