

Just In Time For The Holidays: StyleMint Giveaway


As holiday shopping season shifts into high gear...

I have another StyleMint giveaway for you! And this time, it's even bigger and better: we're talking three Ts for the lucky winner. (Above, that's me wearing the Broadway; a couple of you have written to ask me if I like the quality of the Ts, and the answer is yes. They're great.)


Operation Santa Claus

Every year.

It's the best.

Click here to read more about my experiences with Operation Santa Claus, and here for the Operation Santa Claus site.

One note: If you’re hand-delivering the gifts rather than mailing them (and it really is so fun and exciting to see the recipients’ reactions), I recommend traveling in pairs. No wandering around unfamiliar apartment buildings and ringing strangers’ doorbells alone, please!

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