12 Days Of Giving Blogger Picks
So you know I chose the plaid shirt...but you want to see what the other 11 bloggers think make perfect gifts for everyone on your list? Click here.
P.S. See that reindeer sweater on the right in the above photo (hiding behind my plaid shirts)? Bought it for Kendrick last year. There's nothing like a slightly dorky reindeer sweater at Christmastime.
American Living Made For 12 Days Of Giving Gift Pick
Presenting: my choice for the American Living's Made For 12 Days Of Giving program.
A plaid shirt!
Real Simple Pop-Up Shop in Bryant Park
NYC is a fairly spectacular place to live all year round...but there's nothing like it at Christmastime. Yesterday morning, I swung by Bryant Park (the ice skating rink also has a pretty fun bar adjacent to it - we went last year around this time with some friends) for the Grand Opening of Real Simple's Pop-Up Shop - a must if you're in NYC.
The Pop-Up Shop is full of the kinds of gift ideas that are the reason you (or at least I) love Real Simple: inventive and practical. Like Mario Batali's new cookbook, tons and tons of foodie items...and Christmas tree decoration organizers (want).
Bloom Zen / Stroller For Fashionistas
Hello, Ferrari Of Strollers.
The Bloom Zen stroller folds to be ultra-slim, and has multi-directional wheeling (like a rolling suitcase), optional Newborn Nest, enhanced weather protection, safety lights, front and rear shock absorbers...and seat cushions that "create personal zen" for your child (yes, hee, but seriously: can I ride around in one, please? I could use some personal zen). And it comes in two colors - cmyk (with reversible cyan/magenta pads) and monochrome (black/silver).
Available for preorder now.