

One More Perfect Mama Present / Soft-Maps

Yesterday my friend Melissa came by to meet the baby, and brought with her a gift so special that I had to tell you about it (especially since just yesterday I was talking mama-to-be presents).

Remember Soft-Maps? I wrote about them a long time ago - they're a custom quilt company started by architect (and friend-of-a-friend) Emily Fischer. She quilts maps of various locations onto blankets (regular-sized or baby-sized), which you can then customize by having embroidery added: say, a heart to mark the spot where the baby was born (NYU Langone is marked on ours, along with our apartment's location), and/or the baby's name. DIY quilt customization kits are also available for the crafty.

I was just thinking: if this move does end up happening, how cool it's going to be for Indy to have a blanket that he gets to keep for his entire life showing that he was born right smack in the middle of New York City.


Zig-Zag Lust

My Missoni for Target throw came.

It's everything I dreamed it would be. (Holy comfortable, and very much worth more than $39.99.)

Oh, and here's something I didn't know and wish I had known when I ordered:

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