One More Perfect Mama Present / Soft-Maps
Yesterday my friend Melissa came by to meet the baby, and brought with her a gift so special that I had to tell you about it (especially since just yesterday I was talking mama-to-be presents).
Remember Soft-Maps? I wrote about them a long time ago - they're a custom quilt company started by architect (and friend-of-a-friend) Emily Fischer. She quilts maps of various locations onto blankets (regular-sized or baby-sized), which you can then customize by having embroidery added: say, a heart to mark the spot where the baby was born (NYU Langone is marked on ours, along with our apartment's location), and/or the baby's name. DIY quilt customization kits are also available for the crafty.
I was just thinking: if this move does end up happening, how cool it's going to be for Indy to have a blanket that he gets to keep for his entire life showing that he was born right smack in the middle of New York City.
Palm Tree Dreaming
Just thinking how much I'd really like to be sitting on a beach today.
Wearing this. Or some variation on it.
Lust Object
For Those On Your “Naughty” List
We're (mostly) all grownups here, and sometimes you just want to give (or get) a grownup gift, yes?
After the jump, some of my favorite gift picks from female-friendly adult site Eden Fantasys, which would like to offer RG readers 20% off of any purchase (except for sale items) through 2/15 using code ramshackle.