Too cute.
Instructions here.
Too cute.
Instructions here.
Well, that Christmas Eve didn't exactly go smoothly.
There was the no-water problem (see paper plates, above). And then there was a little issue with the chicken. As in, I put it in around 5:15 to be done for a 7PM-ish dinner...and then at 6:45 checked on it and saw that it was a little...
See, I have to light our stove manually, which means I have to turn the knob to low and then more or less stick my head into a gas-filled oven with a lit match in order to cook anything. And that means that every so often (like on Saturday) I forget, in my relief at having lived to light the stove another day, to turn the heat up to whatever it's supposed to be set at.
Bacon sandwiches (the keys to success: use the fanciest bacon you can get your hands on - think applewood smoked, super-thick-cut, et cetera - and butter your English muffin on both sides before smushing in the bacon).
And Chai Lattes made in the Keurig (really).
Still in search for the perfect present for a couple of people on your list (or...everyone)?
Some of my absolute favorites:
1. Champagne (try La Caravelle rose) is always welcome at this time of year.