One of my favorite shops, Boho Bungalow, in Occidental. Support small businesses!!
Here's everything you need to know about whether you qualify for a Small Business Loan (SBA) to help you get through the COVID crisis - plus links to apply. (This is a direct copy from a Treasury document sent to me this morning by my mother, an NYC attorney, via her accountant.)
The Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) authorizes up to $349 billion in forgivable loans to small businesses to pay their employees during the COVID-19 crisis. All loan terms will be the same for everyone.
A Tarot Spread for Spiritual Decluttering
Tarot contributor Jessica designs a spread to help us understand our relationship with sentimental objects that are weighing us down (and then get rid of them).
I live in Michigan, and I tend to hibernate during the months of cold and darkness. I get sluggish and slack. Then the days get longer, the sunlight streams through the windows, and I discover that I hate my house and everything in it. Right about now is when I get spring-cleaning fever.
For me, cleaning pretty much always begin clearing away the crap that’s accumulated while I’ve been too busy or too distracted or too consumed by physical lassitude and existential despair to deal with said crap. (Midwestern winters are no joke, y’all.) So, as I started considering what this month’s column might be, I found myself thinking about my house and the mess that’s making me crazy now that there’s enough light to see it and I have enough energy to care. (Midwestern winters are no joke, y’all.)
Sometimes, decluttering is easy. That self-help book that has been sitting on my bedside table, unopened, for months? Give-away pile. A really nice box that I kept because it might come in handy while wrapping Christmas presents? Recycling bin. Lipstick I bought five years ago and have worn exactly once? Garbage can.
Tour Audrey Scheck’s Clean & Cozy Dining Room
Our Home Editor, Audrey, takes us on a tour of her strikingly minimalist - but also warm and cozy - dining room.
When it came time to design our dining room, I knew that simplicity would be imperative. With two young kids and lots of foot traffic moving through the room, the room needed to be spacious and open.
When you walk in our front door you enter through the living room, which connects to the dining room. You have to walk through the space to access the remainder of the house, so we needed to allow for that flow. During our renovations, we asked the contractor to move the positioning of the chandelier so that we could center the dining table as far back as possible. This allowed for a wide walkway in front of the table, while still leaving enough space for the dining table and chairs.
Links & Love & Stuff, None Of Which Are About Coronavirus
The most wonderful review of The Big Activity Book for Anxious People EVER. Ever! (You can pick up a copy here.)
Paintillio - the company that makes those amazing custom paint-by-numbers kits I've been loving - is offering 30% off and free shipping for their pre-made Mural Artist Series Kits until March 30th. Use code MURALARTIST2020 at checkout.
I've been looking for the perfect eye cream for years, and this is it: The texture is great and deeply moisturizing, plus it's light and cooling.
A Few Super-Fun New Kids’ Products, Because We All Need Ideas
My son, attending a Zoom meeting with his class.
(This went exactly as well as you think it did.)
First of all, I have got to encourage you to watch Jimmy Fallon's home broadcasts, because for reals, he is all of us trying to work from home right now.