Parents these days are not OK; this we know. Our current crisis has thrown the extent to which our system fails working parents into high relief. We already had to do far too much, all at the same time, and somehow "make it work" even though, for most of us, the avenues of support from everyone to our employers to our spouses to the federal government amounted to nil.
Still: One of the major questions on my mind right now is how all of this is going to affect my kids. It'll have a lasting impact, for sure...but what will that impact be? I reached out to parenting and relationship coach Graziella Simonetti of Your Parenting Pals to find out what we can expect - and how we can help.
We are in what is likely, and hopefully, a once in a generation type crisis. With that comes an uncertainty over how this prolonged stress will impact us and our children. We wish had a magical wand that gave us the power to say what life will look like when things settle or to share, with certainty, what can be done to protect ourselves and our children from the trauma. We don’t. What we know is that right now, there is a lot of uncertainty, and uncertainty can cause anxiety and stress. This stressful event doesn’t necessarily have to turn into toxic stress. The goal is to make it as tolerable and manageable as possible.