

No, But Seriously?

clever pastel details

I found an enormous display of Cadbury Mini Eggs in the drugstore yesterday (hurray, Spring!), and now I can't stop eating them.

Also, I don't want to.

Also, how many blog posts do you think I've titled some variation on "No, But Seriously?" 60? 300? My bet is that every single one has had to do with food. But seriously.


Lifebooker: $3 Manicures For Ramshackle Glam Readers

kitchen mug monkey

Want your nails to look as pretty as this?

Oh, they'll look much prettier, I'm sure. Because while I'm fairly puffed-up about my DIY manicure skills...sometimes there's just nothing like handing your digits over to a professional.

My lovely friend and partner in Wasabi Lobby-ing, Anna, just started working as the Executive Editor at beauty, health & fitness deal site Lifebooker, and offered to give a special deal to my readers.



Oscars Red Carpet 2012

nyc mom at home

The plan had been to watch the Oscars - or at least the red carpet part - at our friends' place, but an early-to-sleep baby switched the night's activity to Beef & Beer Stew on the couch. Which was fun, too, and let me make expressions like this without anyone seeing them (, I suppose).

The tall drinks of water pictured above get the Number One spot not because of their outfits...but because of this photo, and the whole owning-it thing happening here. Look at them. Brad's expression! Angelina's leg!


Welcome, Baby! Gifts

wine baby gift

When you're headed over to see a couple of friends who just brought a brand-new person into the world, it's nice to tote along a small gift, no? Two of our very close friends just had their baby, and I got to thinking about what I'd like to bring them (in addition to Insomnia Cookies). The answer was one or more of these:

A bottle of Hi! Prosecco (from $9.49), because, you know: Hi, baby!

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