

How To Stay Online Without Losing Your Sanity

The Big Activity Book for Digital Detox is out TODAY! 

Like so many of us these days, I am in the midst of a love affair with my phone. It’s gone from being a source of guilt—thank you, screen time app, for letting me know that I spend hours every day staring at Instagram accounts starring overweight cats and various Jenners—to my lifeline to the world.

But just because technology is proving itself to be an uplifting—even vital—way for us to get through the current moment doesn’t mean that being dialed in 100% of the time doesn’t have a con or fifty. To put it in context, a hundred years ago our brains were just starting to handle the idea that we could move at a speed faster than “horse.” Fast forward to now, and we’re holding virtually unlimited information in the palms of our wildly unqualified little hands, printing 3-D body parts, and diving into the ocean from our living rooms. 


Come To My Virtual Book Launch Event!

Register for the event here! 


This Thursday at 6:30PM PST, I'll be live on Crowdcast for a chat hosted by Diesel Bookstore and hosted by the charming, hilarious OG beauty blogger Jamie Stone (she and I go wayyyyy back to 2009, when we were both running around to various events reviewing lip glosses and such). The topic: My new book cowritten with Erin Williams, The Big Activity Book for Digital Detox,...which comes out TOMORROW (eeee!).


Take A Tour Of A $5.5 Million Dollar Malibu Mobile Home (Yes, You Read That Right)

Remember how I wrote about Malibu's million-dollar mobile homes? Every time a new property comes on the market I'm tempted to show it to you because they're all just so cool - but this is one you have to see.

When I first heard about Paradise Cove and Point Dume Club – two of several trailer parks tucked up against Malibu’s beaches – I was a little perplexed about the whole concept. People pay millions of dollars…for trailers? And I get that they’re in Malibu, but…still? And then my friend, Ren Smith – who’s the primary real estate agent for the parks – showed me around and explained the whole deal. I've always been a major real estate nerd, and I found the concept of these mobile homes so fascinating that I started doing marketing for a bunch of Paradise Cove and PDC properties - which has been doubly nice because a) we can all use a little escapist fantasy at the moment, and b) it allows me to indulge my desire to stare at houses all day while also know, productive.

Click here to see all the mobile homes for sale in Paradise Cove and Point Dume Club.


The Big Activity Book for Digital Detox Is ThisClose To Coming Out!

You may have noticed that I've been slightly quieter than usual around these parts. I don't think I need to explain why, but beyond the whole "teach two children with wildly specific, yet totally different schedules while also theoretically working to keep a roof over their heads," there's also the fact that I have a book coming out in two weeks (!) and then a draft of another book due to my editor in three. (Weeks. That would be three weeks.)

So I've decided that I'm going to take it easy on the blogging schedule during Pandemic Times. I hope you guys understand (I have a feeling you do). But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be popping up around the Internets both here and elsewhere in the next month or two - I have articles in the works for Mashable and The Washington Post and a few podcast interviews on the schedule, and am also hosting a virtual event on May 7 at 6:30PST with Diesel: A Brentwood Bookstore. I'll be there, glass of wine in hand, and I hope you guys can join!

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