First, thanks to everyone who sent me videos of their weird stuff. You have totally weird stuff. (We'll be back to regular segments next Monday.)
And second, if you entered the Marchez Vous Facebook contest, click over to my page to see if you won!
First, thanks to everyone who sent me videos of their weird stuff. You have totally weird stuff. (We'll be back to regular segments next Monday.)
And second, if you entered the Marchez Vous Facebook contest, click over to my page to see if you won!
What is this madness?
No...but seriously...
this isn't possible, is it?
No, but seriously...everyone kind of does, right?
I mean, I totally do. Fun!
Here's how Dove's Real Beauty Photo Studio works: anytime from now through August, you can stop into the studio (located on 44th and Broadway) and play with the lovely skincare products...
Yesterday started with some serious hair. I paid very, very close attention to how this incredible thing (courtesy of Ansley Meredith and based on Nicole Richie's 'do the other night) came into the world, so we've got a tutorial coming up for you ASAP!
Before heading out to shoot for the day, I munched on some twine. Wore leopard-print cardigans with floral dresses. And made birch bark candles. (It's easy. You'll see.)