

I Almost Bought A Stone Turtle

No, I really did.

Look at that guy! Tell me you don't kind of want to own him, too.

But then I realized that if I bought him, he'd have to live under our dining room table for the next month or two, and while a stone turtle sitting under our dining room table isn't a style choice that I'd sneeze at...


Mother’s Day Is Just Around The Corner

So if you're still looking for something, I'm going to go ahead and recommend the jewelry department at Off 5th. It is so good.

And anyway, it's sort of impossible to have a bad shopping trip when you go to an outlet mall; there's just so much variety that you're guaranteed to find something you love. Or something someone else will love.

Pictured above is the necklace that I picked up for my mother-in-law on my trip to the Tanger Outlets in Deer Park a few weeks ago, and which I'll be giving to her when I see her next weekend (she loves all things aqua, silver, and super-long).


Baby Gifts: 6-Month-Old

Q. Hey Jordan! I'm meeting my niece for the first time this summer, when she will be about six months old. I'd like to give her something really special. I think your son is almost the same age...does he have something he really loves?

Thank you!


A. This is a really fun age, because babies are just starting to actually engage in the world around them. My son is particularly into toys with flashing lights, bright colors, music, the whole nine yards...but also, you know, freaks out over his feet, so I think it doesn't take much to please them right now.

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