

Now These Are Statement Earrings

I spotted these earrings on the mannequins in the window of Bebe the other day and did a little whip-around, because they're crazy. I mean, I'm a fan of big jewelry, but these go beyond statement earrings (they hit below the clavicle), and head straight into I-totally-couldn't-pull-this-off territory.

What do you think? Are these too much...or just enough?

L to R: Crystal Shoulder Dusters ($15), Wrapped Hoop Feather Duster ($29), Circular Medallion and Feather ($24).


DIGS / Meg Allan Cole Crafts Collaboration

Such a fun day yesterday: I shot a Mother's Day collaboration between DIGS and master craftress Meg Allan Cole at the BetterTV studios (not for BetterTV, just at the very pretty studio, which you can see behind us).

Wait until you see what she helped me whip up (I'll post the video next week): it's not only adorable, it's my-kinda-easy (by which I mean actually easy, not 'oh, anyone can totally make one of these...if they happen to have a fully-stocked crafting closet and a mean whipstitch' easy).

Some of my favorite MAC projects:


Now This Is A Gift

First, how cool is this?! (It's a Lilly Pulitzer original drawing from last night's Spring/Summer event.)

While we're talking Lilly, I absolutely need to show you this in case you're in search of a present for a special kind of girl: it's a seashell pendant on one side...and a bottle-opener on the other. I especially love this as a bachelorette gift for a bride who's heading somewhere tropical on her honeymoon: you have limited space in your luggage to cart around jewelry, so why not bring along something that's pretty and functional? And, let's face it, just plain awesome.


Method “Say No To Jugs” Photo Contest And Giveaway

This is my laundry pile, more often than not. You've seen it before. (Hey, give me a break: there is someone currently residing in my apartment who goes through up to five outfits a day, depending on his mood.)

You know, Kendrick and I were sorting our clothes to send out to the laundromat the other day, and I said, "wow, in a month or so I'll be doing all this myself." And in return, he gave me a "aw, sweetie, that really sucks" grimace.

I he kidding?! He's kidding, right? I could not possibly be more excited about the prospect of having a washer/dryer of my very own to do with what I will. You New Yorkers without laundry rooms in your building know what I'm talking about: it's a dream, the idea of coming in from a rainy day and being able to throw my jeans right into the wash, or getting into toasty, straight-from-the-dryer sheets at night, or knowing for certain that my favorite t-shirt will not be returned to me shrunk down to a size more appropriate for my six-month-old (this just happened; I am not happy about it).

Anyway. This is all to say that I am very much looking forward to becoming intimately acquainted with laundry detergent very, very soon.

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