

Lust Object

Diane Kruger, generally. This dress, specifically.

Also, while we're talking Met Ball - can I just say, how great is Sarah Jessica Parker? Not the dress - the lady. She knows that everyone is constantly evaluating her fashion choices (because she's Carrie, even though I'm sure she's as tired of SATC references as the rest of the world), and does not care. Or, rather, she cares a lot, but certainly doesn't care what the critics think: of course she knew that this dress would guarantee her a spot on every Worst-Dressed List, but she likes what she likes, and wears completely bizarre pieces bravely, and with an obvious sense of humor.

She's basically a mission statement of what I enjoy about fashion.


Noreen Fraser Foundation Mother’s Day e-Cards

For your consideration this Mother's Day: comedic e-cards created by everyone from Neil Patrick Harris to Amy Poehler in collaboration with the non-profit Noreen Fraser Foundation, each of which highlights the importance of early detection in the fight against women’s cancers and translational cancer research.

Click here to check them out, and here to learn more about early cancer detection.



Kabobs & A Question For You

So I was lazy the other night and just bought the pre-made skewers (pictured above with couscous and garlic-sauteed haricots verts) at Fairway.

But I'd like to make my own version on a for-real grill this summer, so if anyone has a particularly spectacular recipe (marinade, etc) would love to hear it!

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