

Summer Must: Glam Glassware (That Even I Can’t Break)

I have a long-standing love affair with unbreakable tableware.

In fact, one of my very first posts ever was about my adoration of Target's acrylic peony glasses, and I've since written about artery-saving stemware for The Gloss and chatted about how to do melamine plates up DIY-style.


Lust Object: Francesca’s Shoes


Those are Steven by Steve Madden, and I cannot find them anywhere online (although they're similar to these), but trust me: I will hunt these pretties down (and of course post the info here for you once I find it).

Also: we just ate grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon and avocado from Big Daddy's, which got me remembering just how truly spectacular the combo is. And it's even better when you make it yourself.

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