

Dove & DailyCandy DryBar Event

I've never been to DryBar before. It is so nice.

Despite said niceness, for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to dress like Britney Spears c. 2008. I have no excuse for that one, other than the fact that you really can't put denim shorts and sparkle stars together in a single item of clothing and not expect me to hand over a credit card.

Anyway, DryBar is lovely. You get a little "menu" of options for blow-out styles (I went for "The Straight Up": a straightforward blowout with a little volume at the roots and slight bend at the ends, but I saw lots of other girls go for "The Mai-Tai", which is beachy, loose waves), and you're out the door in about half an hour, including washing time.


Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Not gonna lie: Father's Day is a tough one. Dads - at least my dad, anyway - are historically reluctant to tell you what they like (unlike, say, mothers, who will happily provide itemized lists and links to appropriate purchasing outlets). Dads With Hobbies are a bit easier, but sometimes you need to step outside the golf ball box.

Clockwise from far left: 

1. King's County Distillery products: My friends Colin and David own New York City's oldest operating whiskey distillery (really), and make hand-crafted moonshine and bourbon using traditional processes and "unorthodox distilling equipment." It's good stuff. Click here to find stores and order online.


Summer Vacation Style With LOFT

Ogunquit Trip from Jordan Reid on Vimeo.

Every year, we try to make it to Ogunquit (the town in Maine where we got married; that video is from our trip last summer) for at least one weekend. This year our travel plans are sort of up in the air what with the total life upheaval and all, but we're still going to do our best to make it work. I need me some lobster rolls, mini golf, and seaside restaurants where "dinner attire" means capris and flip-flops.


Method “High Five A Rainbow” (Plus $100 Gift Card)

Weird little joy of mine: buying a brand-new bottle of hand wash and placing it next to the sink. I love how it looks; I love trying out a new scent; I love feeling all virtuous washing my hands fifty-six times a day (a slightly obsessive habit I developed when I gave birth to a) protect my newborn from germs and b) protect myself, because I was so devastatingly exhausted that had I managed to catch a cold on top of it all I would have just given up, handed Kendrick our offspring, and crawled under the changing table until spring came along).

Anyway, Method's hand wash (in the Cucumber or Sweet Water scents) is what I've been using for...oh, years now. Ever since I first spotted the bottle on a drugstore shelf and picked it up figuring it would be way too pricey for my taste, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was adorably packaged, totally didn't smell like Clorox misted with raspberries and sparkles (as a lot of hand washes can, no?), and affordable.

And! Every Method hand wash is formulated without triclosan (a chemical found in many comparable products that's presently under FDA review, and that Method believes is unnecessary - and potentially harmful - overkill), made with biodegradable, naturally derived ingredients, and contain Vitamin E and aloe.

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