

Good Morning

At 1:55AM this morning, I was startled awake by the words "Jenna Von Oy."

Not out loud. In my head.

I have no explanation for this, either.

Anyway, I couldn't get back to sleep after that (that whole crippling insomnia thing I've moaned about before).


Share Your Style / Daily Candy + Dove Pinterest Contest

This is me (and Kendrick) in the Hamptons, the one time that I managed to make it there in my 31 years (and simultaneously managed to break the beautiful house that we were staying in, which is what's happening above). It's extremely fun and glamorous and all those things that you've heard it is.

And! I'm going back. I am so excited; extra excited because there's a chance that I might get to see a few of you while I'm there.

Dove and DailyCandy are partnering up to give you the chance to inspire women with your own hairstyle and to win fabulous prizes, including a spot in a DailyCandy flipbook and trip for you and a friend to Super Saturday in the Hamptons.


Dove Twitter Party Today At 2PM EST

Dove & Ramshackle Glam are co-hosting a Twitter party today at 2PM EST to chat all things hair and style. (You'll have the opportunity to win fun prizes, as well.)

Click here to follow me on Twitter, here to follow Dove on Twitter, and use hashtag #dovestyle for all your questions. Can't wait to say hi!

UPDATE: Congrats to the five winners of a very special Dove gift bag! @egood33, @neiddy_ruiz, @Rustytan, @MARILOLA33, @reinaheather: you've officially been DMed.

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