You know, sometimes (often) when I go to parties and things, the question I ask myself upon my departure isn't, "Did I have a good time?" but rather, "Did I escape without doing something horrifying?"
Doggy Ice Lick (With Toys!)
This idea is like Tuna Ice Cubes on steroids. I can't wait to try it with Lucy and Virgil once we have a backyard to contain the madness.
Give Your Nose A Hug
Here's how the evening division of labor works in our household: I cook, Kendrick does dishes. I like this, because a) I like cooking, and b) I hate cleaning the stovetop grill, and I've been all about steaks lately. Anyway, we've divvied up chores this way for about six years now, so Kendrick has become quite handy with a sponge...and yet tends not to introduce things like the pluses or minuses of a given dish soap into our late-night pillowtalk. This is generally a good thing.
But the other night we were in bed, about to fall asleep, and he said, "Hey, you know that company you've been writing about? Mordred?"
How-To: Feel Glamorous While Lounging Around On A Hot Day
Just add jewels (these are by Hannah Warner).
Really good book (and t-shirt) optional.
Lust Object
So it's ten zillion degrees out. Details, details. I'm still lusting after Theodora & Callum scarves (especially that one on the top left, Santa Fe).
(The above styles are all via one-stop scarf shop Chic Tweak, founded by scarf designer Bindya Lulla.)