

The Past 36 Hours…

Have been crazy.

Our street, photographed yesterday afternoon.

Trees fell on either end of our block, taking down the power lines (heat, telephones, Internet, all that), and it didn't seem safe to even walk over to our neighbors' place to find out the latest news until the winds were completely gone. Our biggest fear was that a tree would fall on our house, but we were lucky - a large one came down in our yard, but didn't cause any major structural damage.


Just A Few Minutes Ago…

luxe lifestyle

...a tree went down outside our house, taking down all our power and phone lines, including our cells (we use a plug-in boost to get access, since our area has limited service). We're fine, and have plenty of candles, food and water, but if I'm slow with responding to emails and/or comments for the next couple of days...well, this is why.

Stay safe!


Fall Baby Duds / Joe Fresh

Q. I’m looking for fall/winter baby duds. Any leads?


A. I love Joe Fresh for adorable, affordable baby clothing - they sell it at the superstore in Canada, and I stock up every time I head up to visit my family (or beg my mom to bring me back a few pieces when she goes without me). Their denim and outerwear is especially fantastic - excellent quality, great cut, cute details.

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