

Just A Few Minutes Ago…

luxe lifestyle

...a tree went down outside our house, taking down all our power and phone lines, including our cells (we use a plug-in boost to get access, since our area has limited service). We're fine, and have plenty of candles, food and water, but if I'm slow with responding to emails and/or comments for the next couple of days...well, this is why.

Stay safe!


Fall Baby Duds / Joe Fresh

Q. I’m looking for fall/winter baby duds. Any leads?


A. I love Joe Fresh for adorable, affordable baby clothing - they sell it at the superstore in Canada, and I stock up every time I head up to visit my family (or beg my mom to bring me back a few pieces when she goes without me). Their denim and outerwear is especially fantastic - excellent quality, great cut, cute details.

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