

For Better Or For Worse

An email I recently received:

I randomly found your blog several weeks back and enjoyed it...well that's until I recently read that quote about voting for Romney. I am a 30-something mom voting for him and was quite insulted not only by the person who wrote it but by you posting it.

I am not going to go on about it - just know I think it is sad that you lost a reader by putting your politics on what I thought was a lifestyle blog. If I wanted to read a racist liberal blog I would've looked for one.



Argo: Go Immediately

Definitely my favorite movie this year.

Also, I can't get over how fun it must be to be John Goodman. Literally all he has to do is pop up on the screen (with his entrance usually accompanied by amazing, porn-ish music), and you know you're in for a good time.


J.R. Martinez Runs The NYC Marathon For NYRR

***UPDATE - Breaking news: NYC Marathon will NOT be held this Sunday. At present, it is unclear whether the race will be canceled or just postponed.***

This Sunday, Nov 4, United States Army veteran J.R. Martinez (who you probably know from Dancing With The Stars) will be running in the 2012 ING New York City Marathon (still happening!) to support New York Road Runners' Youth Programs. He will be the very last person to start the race, and for every runner he passes, Timex will be donating $1 to the charity.

The backstory behind Martinez's partnership with Timex is especially interesting: in 2003, while serving in Iraq, he survived a truck explosion during which he suffered burns over 34% of his body. One spot that was saved: his wrist, which was protected by the Timex watch that he was wearing (he later got a tattoo of that very same watch over the spot). Martinez is running with the help of Timex's Ironman Run Trainer GPS (pictured above), which provides real-time pace, distance and heart rate information.

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