

DVF <3 Roxy: On Sale Today!

Alright, this is such a cool collaboration. Kind of unexpected...and completely perfect.

I love DVF's graphic dresses, and Roxy is one of my favorite brands for casual beach-wear (especially their shorts and swimsuits)...and this collection is a playful, chic mash-up between the DVF prints and the Roxy lifestyle. It's very chic 1970s California surfer girl who spends the day in the waves and then heads straight out dancing.

Check out the "shoppable" (really; it's pretty cool) video above.


Get Thee To A Fitting

Did you know that something like 80-85% of women are wearing the wrong size bra (according to Wikipedia, anyway)?

That's crazy.

And also completely understandable, given that it's next to impossible to figure out what size you are without a for-real professional fitting (for me, anyway).

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