

Blog Advice VI: Creating Cool Visuals

When I started Ramshackle Glam in March of 2010, one the major things that I was totally in the dark about was how to create a visually appealing page: I knew nothing about graphic design and very little about photography, so I basically just ran around with an iPhone and a point-and-shoot and did the best I could.

It was okay, I guess...but it certainly wasn't anything spectacular.

And while getting a decent camera (I have the Canon T1i and a 50mm lens) definitely helped in terms of making my site look the way I wanted it to, one of the tools that I've found to be completely, totally invaluable is Polyvore - it's what I use to make 99% of the composite images you see on RG, and is so fun and easy. I swear.

Weekend Trip Essentials by ramshackleglam featuring alexander mcqueen

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