

In My Carry-On

Alright, so maybe I've been packed for nearly a week now. What can I say? This is going to be the first time the three of us are traveling together on a flight longer than an hour and a half (we've previously taken Indy on a plane to visit my family in Canada, but that's it), and I guess I'm a little anxious.

The chances that I've forgotten something major are 100%, but I figure as long as we have an iPad and some emergency pasta in the carry-on we're good for the plane ride, and we can pick up anything else we might need once we land.

What else is coming in my carry-on? Let's take a look.


Lust Object: Lime-Green Outdoor Furniture

When I moved into my house in L.A., I found two seriously bedraggled white Adirondack chairs left by the previous owners sitting on the front porch. Within days, I'd dragged them into the backyard and painted them a bright lime-green - probably my first DIY painting project ever.

I loved those chairs, but when I moved back across the country into a 300-square-foot Hell's Kitchen apartment, they stayed put right where they were. I like to think that they're still there.

I also think it might be time for a revisit. Keeping my eyes open at yard sales this summer for paintable porch things.

All furniture pictured above on sale today on Joss & Main.


Just Some Beach Fantasies

First, just because she looks amazing, let's talk about the amazingness that is Nicole Richie just casually strolling the beach in St. Bart's looking amazing.

The best part: to get that look, all you need are a black bikini, a white hat, and some big sunglasses (Nicole is wearing a House of Harlow pair that is the only item I have ever put myself on a waitlist for...and is also the only item I have ever taken myself off of a waitlist for, because I felt silly). You don't even need to do anything with your hair or wear makeup; the hat and sunglasses take care of those little issues for you.



Question For You: Beach Reads!

Pictured above is a photo taken during the last beach-type vacation that Kendrick and I went on together: our trip to the Cayman Islands in March of 2011.

To give you context, it was on that trip that we recorded the yay-we're-having-a-baby video. So you could say it's been awhile since I've done the beach/book/pina colada thing.

We leave for the Dominican Republic in two days. I AM SO EXCITED.

Last time we went on vacation I crowd-sourced for beach book recommendations, and you guys gave me such great ideas that I thought I'd do it again. I'm looking for fun, maybe a little trashy, and definitely gripping, and nothing that requires a ton of...thought (see: pina coladas).


Blog Advice VII: Taking Selfies And Getting Over It

Q. Hey Jordan,

I was wondering if you could give me some advice regarding taking pictures of yourself. I feel pretty self-conscious about it, but I want to be taken seriously as a beauty blogger...[and] I know that if I'm running a beauty blog, people will want visuals when it comes to tutorials, hairstyles, etc.

So do you have any advice about posting/taking flattering photos of yourself? Is there any particular editing software that you use to adjust the photos (and can it get rid of my undereye circles)? And most does one get past the period of feeling super awkward and self-conscious posing for photos that will go up on the internet?

Thanks for your help!

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