I Would Just Like To Announce
That I have a spider bite on my arm the size of a walnut, and am totally dealing with it like a grown-up, by which I mean only Googling "black widow spider bite" once (side note: do not ever Google "black widow spider bite").
In recent days I have also:
1) Walked through a web with the circumference of Texas and not freaked out (very much);
2) Handily dispatched a very large and unidentifiable creature that I found sitting on the guest bed in our attic; and
Must-Read Speech By High School Senior
This speech by high school senior Mitch Anderson, in which he reveals his sexuality before his friends and family on Graduation Day, is a must-read.
After the jump.
Links & Love & Stuff
I spent yesterday fishing in Sheepshead Bay with Dad and taking way too many pictures of seagulls. I caught exactly the number of fish that you think I did.
Over on The Nest, my alternative uses for a simple stemless wine glass.
I don't usually keep or use miniature product samples - they feel like clutter to me - but liked the Archive Rosehip & Lavender Calming Body Lotion I found in my hotel room in Cape Cod so much that I've been carrying it everywhere in my purse, and now need to replace it with a full-size bottle.
Sometimes The Finds Are For Real
On the way back to our hotel to get ready, I passed a small church with a little sign that said "Thrift Store" with an arrow pointing towards the parking lot in the back. Now, my policy is that when you see signs like these, you follow them.
Ten minutes and two dollars later, this necklace came home with me.
(I also found a five dollar L.L.Bean woodsman-style jacket for Kendrick that he was pretty excited about.)