

Date Ideas For You

Alright, so my plan was to show you three of my favorite HowAboutWe Couples Dates…but I need to post more than that, just because I think you will love them all. How HowAboutWe works: it's free to sign up and browse the curated collection of offbeat date “experiences” (all at a price significantly lower than the retail value of the date). All you do is make sure you're a member, pick your date, and off you go.

Back to those favorites I was talking about:

Couples Archery Lesson in Queens ($21 on HAW; $60 retail)


When You Come From Different Worlds

Q. Dear Jordan,

In less than a week I'm going on a big family vacation with my boyfriend. He and I are from totally different worlds: his family on both sides are pretty well off and I grew up eating discount Cheerios. I contribute as much as I can to help even the score, but I still feel like the lovable tramp dragged in from the street a lot of the time.

His parents invited me to come along on their vacation to a resort/spa/golf course and while I've accepted, I'm kind of at a loss in terms of what I should actually do once I get there. My boyfriend will be golfing every day and the women are supposed to go to the spa together. Despite the fact that we've been together for a year and a half, I feel uncomfortable not only with the idea of invading their spa/vacation time, but also the idea of letting them pay for extravagant services. My guy says they can super afford it and they "like to be generous." I really don't want to insult them by either turning down their invitations or being too cavalier, but I'm a struggling grad student, and I'm kind of at a loss.

So far, my best ideas are being the girl who cried work and sitting in our room on my laptop, making them think I'm a workaholic, or hiding away in the fitness center all day and making them think I'm an exercise addict. If there was any way for me to pay my way, I would! That would make me feel much more at ease.

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