

Links & Love & Stuff

Chrissy Teigen posted about our book, NBD. Update: Utterly heartbroken to hear of Chrissy Teigen and John Legend's loss. I'm sure the news is triggering for so many; please go here for resources if you are suffering.

This is my new favorite shade from Static Nails - it makes your fingers look miles long. (And I agree, it makes literally no sense to wear faux nails right now, but it helps me tame my terrible, horrible cuticle-picking habit.)

Plaid fleece jacket by Carve Designs, yes.


Adventures In DIY Highlights (Alt Title: Oh My God, I Ruined Erin’s Hair)

A couple of weeks into lockdown, I did a bad thing.

I highlighted my own hair.

Even as I opened the box I could hear my colorist yelling at me from all the way across the city, but I couldn't help it: I'd already been badly in need of a touch-up when the world shut down, and whatever, I was bored, and still in the moment of quarantine when it felt like an opportunity to try new things (puzzles! bread! ...remember when we still had energy?!). And highlighting my own hair sounded kind of fun, or at the very least perhaps an opportunity to generate Content (tips and tricks! fashion roundups! ...remember when we still had an iota of bandwidth left?!).


Just 6 Things I’m Really Into

Floaty floral dresses. My daily uniform is obviously shorts and a t-shirt or button-down, as you've observed on 20,954 separate occasions, but I've been trying to mix it up a bit. Putting on one of these dresses just makes you feel so pretty. The one pictured above (worn for a baby shower brunch several centuries ago, in February) is an old Zara dress I stole from my mama, but I just ordered this on-sale beauty for another option.

Lore Podcast. Ommmg this podcast is so good. Each episode covers a bite-sized bit of global folklore - alien sightings, pukwudgies (! it's a thing), vampire tales, and so forth - and explores its historical underpinnings. I listen to it on walks with Archie, and because I cannot get enough of it, Archie is a verrrrry tired pup these days. Side benefit: Tired pups eat fewer of their mother's favorite bras. Not none of her bras, but fewer. Here's a rundown of fans' favorite episodes, if you want some really good ones to get started with.


How To Save America

Go to VoteSaveAmerica. Right now. I've been looking at tons of different online resources so that I can provide you guys with the easiest, most straightforward information you need this election season, and this is it. At VoteSaveAmerica, you can:

  • Register to vote (or double-check that you're registered - voter suppression is real, kids)
  • Volunteer to adopt a state that needs your help getting people to the polls (or to the mailbox)
  • Donate (and see exactly where your dollars are going)
  • Access a couldn't-be-easier state-by-state voting guide (vote early PLEASE)
  • Find a job! Doesn't saving the world sound like a good career opportunity?
  • Find a voting event near you


Links & Love & Stuff

Lue Health is a truly game-changing new startup that lets you monitor your health using at-home urine testing strips and a super-simple app that analyzes your results within seconds. Genius.

Turns out an oversized sweater vest is somehow exactly what I want to wear for fall. Weird, but true.

Harbor Cheese offers virtual cheese-tastings, with each ticket including 2lbs of various cheeses (!!!) and classes capped at 15 for an intimate experience. ...Can I do this...tonight?

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